God has supernatural ways to fully supply every need in the face of lack. He is your Supernatural provider.
Your Supernatural Provider has unusual ways and unlimited avenues of providing that supersede all-natural limitations.
Supernatural means being above or beyond what is natural; unexplainable by natural law.
· Foreign to natural man’s thinking
· Unusual, unlimited, accelerated supply from heaven
· Supersedes the realm of impossibility
God takes delight in supernatural provision. Learn to trust Him.
One of the Names of God is “Provider.” In Genesis 22 God reveals Himself as JEHOVAH-JERIH. We could paraphrase Jehovah jireh as “the LORD who sees to it.”
Everywhere you see God, you can add “my Supernatural Provider”...
This will renew your mind to God’s supernatural provision.
Affirm: God is my Supernatural Provider.
Instead of calling Him God, call Him ‘my Supernatural Provider.’
Affirm: Psalm 68:19 as follows: “Blessed be the Lord, [my Supernatural Provider] who daily loads me with benefits, even the God [my Supernatural Provider] of my salvation.”
Our Supernatural Provider has unusual ways and unlimited avenues of providing that supersede all-natural limitations. The Great I AM is the Supernatural Source of provision.
This gives us a strong assurance of faith that our Supernatural Provider is more than enough to provide for our every need!
5 Things We Must Do to Experience Supernatural Provision
1. Enlarge our capacity for supernatural provision
2. See God supernaturally supplying the need
3. Feed on the Word
4. Renew our minds
5. Exercise our faith by giving
Your faith in giving reveals your trust in God and is the key to the overflow!
Learn how to give in the supernatural overflow and live in the overflow! https://www.wordchurchonline.com/donate